7 Mind-blowing Vastu Tips !!

https://secretvastu.com/single/kitchen-vastu/https://secretvastu.com/single/kitchen-vastu/Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian system of architecture and design that aims to create harmony and balance in living spaces. It is based on the belief that the arrangement and orientation of objects and structures can have a significant impact on the well-being and success of the inhabitants. Here are some common Vastu tips followed in Indian culture:



The main entrance of a house is considered crucial in Vastu. It should ideally face east or north, as these directions are believed to bring positive energy and good luck. Avoid having a main entrance facing south or west.



According to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, the kitchen holds significant importance as it is considered the source of nourishment and well-being for the family. Here are some guidelines for the ideal location of a kitchen based on Vastu principles

  • Southeast Direction: The southeast direction is considered the most suitable location for the kitchen. This direction is associated with the fire element, which aligns well with the cooking activities that take place in the kitchen.

  • Avoid Northwest and Southwest: Avoid locating the kitchen in the northwest or southwest corners of the house. The northwest direction is associated with air, and the southwest direction represents the earth element. Fire and air can clash, causing disharmony, while the earth element can dampen the fire element, leading to a lack of energy in the kitchen.

  • Separate from Worship Area: The kitchen should be separate from the worship or prayer area in the house. The energies in the kitchen, associated with cooking and fire, may interfere with the peaceful atmosphere required in the worship space.

  • Natural Light and Ventilation: It is beneficial to have ample natural light and ventilation in the kitchen. Windows or skylights can be placed in the east or southeast direction to allow the entry of fresh air and sunlight.
  • Placement of Cooking Stove: The cooking stove should ideally be placed in the southeast corner of the kitchen, with the person cooking facing east. This aligns the fire element with the favorable direction and ensures that the cook faces a beneficial direction while preparing meals.
  • Storage and Water: The storage of provisions, utensils, and water should be in the southern and western parts of the kitchen.


Colors play a significant role in Vastu. It is believed that specific colors can influence moods and energy levels. For instance, light and pastel shades are preferred for bedrooms, while vibrant colors can be used in common areas. It’s important to choose colors that create a sense of balance and tranquility.


Furniture Arrangement: 

The placement of furniture can affect the flow of energy in a space. It is advised to arrange furniture in a way that allows for easy movement and promotes a harmonious atmosphere. Avoid placing furniture in a way that blocks pathways or restricts natural light. Mirrors: Mirrors are considered powerful in Vastu, as they reflect energy. It is recommended to place mirrors in the north or east direction, as they can enhance the flow of positive energy. However, avoid placing mirrors directly facing the bed in the bedroom.

 Clutter-free Spaces:

 Keeping your living spaces clean and clutter-free is essential in Vastu. Clutter is believed to create stagnant energy and hinder the flow of positive energy. Regularly declutter and organize your home to promote a sense of peace and well-being.

 Sacred Space: 

Creating a sacred space or a puja room in the house is a common practice in Indian households. This space is dedicated to prayer, meditation, and spiritual activities. It is typically placed in the northeast corner of the house.

 Natural Elements: 

Incorporating natural elements such as plants, water features, and natural light is encouraged in Vastu. They are believed to promote positive energy and well-being. Ensure proper ventilation and ample natural light in all rooms.

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